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Contemporary Figurative Oil Painter & Artist UK


UK Figurative Artist, Modern Realist Artist, Contemporary Oil Painter, Jonathan Brier Figure Art, Modern Urban Painter,  Oil Painting and portrait art, Fine Art Gallery, Oil Painter

Contemporary Urban Oil Paintings

Teaching And Workshops North Wales




Conwy Nature Reserve - Life Drawing Workshop


Venue Cymru - Art and Life Drawing special needs Workshop

Oriel Mostyn Portfolio - Life Drawing workshop with 12-18 yr olds

Oriel Mostyn Portfolio - Introduction to oil paints with life model 12-18 yr olds

RCA Conwy - Introduction to Oil Painting, Skin Tones and Portraiture

RCA Adult Co-hosted and developed Drawing Course with Jeremy Yates

Oriel Mostyn - Adult Introduction to Oil painting still life workshop

RCA Conwy - Regular Life Drawing tutor

Oriel Mostyn Portfolio - Life Drawing workshop with 12-18 yr olds

Oriel Mostyn Portfolio - Introduction to oil paints with life model 12-18 yr olds



RCA Conwy - Regular Life Drawing tutor

Oriel Mostyn Portfolio - Life Drawing workshop with 12-18 yr olds

Oriel Mostyn Portfolio - Introduction to oil paints with life model 12-18 yr olds


2015 - 2016

Life Drawing Tutor - Plas Power Gallery



Oriel Wrexham - Expanded  beginners Figurative Oil Painting Course



Tutoring the Miniature Masterpieces Figurative Oil Painting Course at Oriel Wrexham. 



Oriel Wrexham - Developed beginners Oil Painting Course


Shows, Events and Exhibitions


Asylum Artist Launch Show Exhibition, The Crypt, London.- 2018

Reload Gallery Leamington spa. 2018 - Present

Filmed Colour In your Life TV episode. 2017

Ian Walton Gallery Farndon 2017 - present

ACO Galleries Stafford - Created and ran a one month pop-up Gallery in Stafford - Dec 2015 - Jan 2016

ACO Group Ex Liverpool Anglican Cathedral - 2015

ACO Anniversary Exhibition, Chester - 2015

ACO Group Exhibition Plas Power Gallery - 2014

ACO Group Exhibition Alderley Edge Festival Hall 2014

Co-Founded The ACO Galleries - Artist Co-operative

Grosvenor Museum  Open. 2013

Solo Exhibition. Life Study. Oswestry Exhibition Center. 2012 -12013

Solo Exhibition. Life Study.  Clwyd Theatr  Cymru. 2012  

Helfa Gelf Art Trail, Open Studios Events. 2012. 

North Wales Open, Theatr Clwyd, 2012 

Pren Arian, Ruthin Gallery. 2012. 

Theatr Cymru Llandudno group Exhibition 2012

Grosvenor Museum Open, Chester, 2011, Recipient of Peoples Choice Award.

North Wales Open, Theatre Clwyd, 2011

A feature spread in Chester Tribune 2010

Moreton Hall Exhibition, Oswestry 2010

North Wales Open, Theatre Clwyd, 2010. Highly Commended.

Wrexham Art Centre & Gallery Open, 2010

Down to a Fine Art Gallery, 111 Exhibition, 2010

BBC North Wales Link :)

Down to a Fine Art Gallery, 2009

Yale Colliery Gallery, August 2009 to February 2010

Rendezvous Gallery, September 2009-2010

Elleganza, Ross-On-Wye, 2009

Grosvenor Museum Open Exhibition, Chester, 2009

Wrexham Arts Centre,  2009 Solo Exhibition

Wrexham Arts Centre Open 2008/09, Recipient of Peoples Choice Award.

Mews Fine Art Gallery, Chester, 2008.

Wrexham Arts Centre, 2008 Solo Exhibition.

Yale lifestyle Bar, 2008, Solo Figurative Realism Exhibition.

Arts Council of Wales funded development project; A Portrait of Wales. 2007/2008

Moreton Hall Exhibition, Oswestry 2007.

The Plassey Gallery, Clwyd 2007.

The Reynolds Gallery, Shrewsbury 2006

New Designers, London 2002.

William Aston Hall, Illustration Degree Show, 2002.

UK Figurative Artist & Oil Painter


Know for the unfinished elements present in his Paintings and Figurative Art, his work suggests vulnerability and at the damaged nature of his subjects. Brier creates a sense of a distorted reality, things look beautiful on the surface but these partially exposed subjects hold a depth of brokenness. There is a subtle insight as to their feelings but there is clearly more beyond that isn't revealed... there is a hint of sadness but it is not without hope, a wistful romance, an ambiguous longing, vulnerability with an element of shame...


Based in Wrexham, North Wales, Jonathan is a self-taught Realism based painter working to find a way of presenting his thoughts in an honest yet aesthetically alluring way. He creates evocative Oil Paintings of the human form in a Classic Figurative Tradition, coupled with a Contemporary twist, often with a subtle darkness present. 


At times these ghostly figures hide in and amongst their the worn and time-beaten surroundings, battling to maintain an existence.

Nothing is resolved just an ongoing struggle, offering little but a suggestion of what might be...


Reload Gallery Jonathan Brier Figure Art

Reload Gallery

At Reload our mission is to inspire a passion for Contemporary Art and Urban Art to new audiences by bringing together some of the world’s best Artists under one roof … outside of the UK's capital.

Its founder Simon ‘SKINT’ Puplett is an Artist himself who has sold many pieces around the world. As an Artist, he appreciates the work, commitment and passion that has gone into each piece of Art Exhibited at the Gallery.

Simon carefully selects work from his favourite established and new up and coming Artists based on what inspires and excites both him and the Urban Art and Contemporary Art communities.

The Gallery is currently representing those whom Simon considers as some of the top urban & contemporary artists in the world - Trust Icon, Mason Storm, Robin Coleman, T.Wat, Monika Nowak, DS - to name just a few.












Asylum Artist Management; Associate Artist

Asylum Artist Management is a new and exciting venture in the Visual Arts Industry.


It has been born out of the experience of its founders as a means to address the imbalance between new and Emerging Artists and the established Art community.


More often than not new and often mid-career Artists find themselves struggling to find a platform for their work which puts them at the forefront of their endeavours. Galleries have traditionally been able to dictate terms (often onerous) to any prospective artists, many of whom are desperate for gallery representation as a means to increase the audience reach of their work. At Asylum Artist Management we believe that our collective experience in the art world will enable us to get our artists’ work to a much wider audience and secure very favourable deals for our clients, be that an artist, or someone looking to purchase art form our artists or work we will have sourced elsewhere.

Our ethos is “the artist first and foremost”, and we will endeavour to bring an artist on and guide them through their career ensuring progression, longevity and growth in what is often a fickle industry that ebbs and flows with the tide of fashion.


The old Gallery and Auction house model of business within the Arts is slowly changing and failure to foresee and embrace these changes can often be at the detriment of the Artist. Social media has allowed Artists to market themselves in ways that were not available even a decade ago and this revolution will only grow. We don’t want our artists to be known in the Art World, we want them to be known in the whole world like rock stars; we want to make our Artists household names.


We aim to take a holistic approach with each artist we sign.  Not every Artist will suit every Gallery or collection and we have the expertise and connections to ensure that each Artist gets the service tailor-made to suit their individual style. 

This type of bespoke approach is rare in the industry, especially for those who are at the beginning of their careers. We aim to redress that balance.








Ian Walton Gallery


After 40 years as a practising Artist, it felt right that the next step was to open my own Gallery. The picturesque medieval village of Farndon seemed like the perfect setting. Farndon bridge is one of the oldest crossings on the river and marks the border between England and Wales. 


Alongside my own work, I will be Exhibiting work by other Artists, Sculptors and Craftspeople, as well as running classes and workshops. I aim to create the finest and least pretentious gallery in Cheshire. Most of all I want to build a great relationship with the community. 


The gallery occupies part of the upper floor of what was formerly 'Top Farm', a mid-17th-century grade 2 listed building in the heart of the village. We have five rooms with a total floor area of 100sqm, offering great scope for solo exhibitions to established artists and new and emerging ones. 


Atop all of this, within a few minutes walk, I can be on the banks of the Dee, with stunning views of the borders landscape.

The sign on the door may occasionally read 'Gone painting'










ACO Galleries Artist


The ACO is a Co-operative of Figurative & Realism Northern Artists, united in their determinations to produce quality artwork.


We are mainly comprised of Artists In North Wales and Cheshire but do have other from further a field.


Our ethos - Artists looking after Artists to promote our members work, and give them direct and personal connections with art lovers. We have set our standards high so that no one visiting our exhibitions will be disappointed. We find the venues, share the costs, the work and promote the venture ourselves. Our shows are staffed by the artists themselves, giving the prospective buyer a unique opportunity to engage in a more personal way.












Put Some Colour in Your Life

Building a library of the minds of artists to preserve a digital record of creative spirit, culture and techniques for future generations.

Put Some Colour In Your Life, or Colour In Your Life is a television series created by Master Artist and CEO Graeme Stevenson. It began in the small town of Murwillumbah, just south of the NSW/QLD border in Australia, and from this incredibly artistic region has spread out to encompass the arts and artists of Australia and the world.










Asylum Artist  Management Jonathan Brier
Colour In Your Life UK Artists Oil Painters
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